Following the appointment of Barry Willetts as Superintendent the direction of the
church has altered dramatically. It has a greater sense of mission to the local and
wider community surrounding Two Gates.
The appointment of a new Superintendent, together with a new church secretary
(Mrs Sheila Perry) and the appointment of Deacons has led to a more dynamic
and democratic style of leadership. The Governing body meet approximately once
each month to manage the current and plan for the future offices of the church. The
new style of leadership and focused mission have led to the complete re building of
the kitchen in order that meals can be served. This has led to monthly coffee
mornings the proceeds from which have been used to support many local and
international charities and helped Two Gates Ragged School. Examples of these
charities include:-
Mary Sevens Hospice
Marie Cutie Cancer Research
Macmillan cancer Care
Dudley Cancer Care
Halesowen Home for Battered women
Guide Dogs for the blind
The introduction of social evenings included:-
Skittles and Darts
Halesowen Brass Band (who practice in the Church)
Black Country Nights (Tommy Mundon)
David Bartley
Bev Pegg
Local choirs (Gentlemen Songsters, Cradley Heath Males Voice Choir,
Barbershop Quartet)
Ladies Fashion shows
The fabric of the building and its surrounds have been altered dramatically in recent years. Projects undertaken:-
Complete upgrade to vestry and entrance hall
New chairs and carpets
Wheel chair (disability) access to church